From Martin Luther King Dream to Barack Obama Reality
Rosa sat so Martin could march. Martin MArched so Barack could run. Barack ran so we all can all fly!
Just sitting here watching CNN and other stations and all through my head the worship song "How Great is our God" is going through my mind. No matter whether one is Republican or Democrat, Black or white, you cannot deny the electricity in t he air. One of the old songs we sing is "We've Come this Far by Faith, Leaning on the Lord". That is how I feel right now. Never, never, never in my lifetime did I dream that I would live to see a time like this. Proof that prayer's work. Prayers of our ancestors and elders.
The Civil Rights era was birthed in the Black church. Prayer meeting after prayer meeting. Chorus (what we now call Worship Songs) after chorus. Strengthening and building the faith of those embarking on change. Many do not realize that the "freedom" songs of the Civil Rights era were modifications of "Negro Spirituals" or Choruses.
We shall Overcome, This Little Light of Mine, I won't Let Nobody Turn Me Around, Keep Your Eyes on the Prize"
This is proof that praise is certainly a weapon in a time of spiritual warfare. I look at Dr. King's often criticized tactics back then. They had sit ins that started in prayer. Marches that started in prayer and praise. It shows me today that Praise and Worship is so important.
Today we are on the threshold of seeing the end of one battle. i just wanted to take the time to thank God for Rev. Martin Luther King and thank God for Barack Obama. I believe these are 2 men cut from the same cloth for "such a time as this".
My whole family is home and we are listening to CNN and speeches and King tributes. Its so important in their lives. I b less God for allowing one son to graduate from college and another to graduate High School and is now in college.
I thank God I can turn to my sons and look them in the face and say "NO MORE EXCUSES" you can achieve whatever you put your heart to do. You WILL experience obstacles. I will not always be smooth sailing. But with God's help you can make.
Don't Let Nobody Turn Your "Round
Well don't you let nobody turn you 'round
Turn you 'round, turn you 'round
Well don't you let nobody turn you 'round
You got to keep on walkin', keep on talkin'
Marchin' to the freedom land
Well don't you let nobody turn you 'round
Turn you 'round, turn you 'round
Well don't you let nobody turn you 'round
You got to keep on walkin', keep on talkin'
Marchin' to the freedom land
Well don't you let the policeman turn you 'round
Turn you 'round, turn you 'round
Well don't let the policeman turn you 'round
You got to keep on walkin', keep on talkin'
Marchin' to the freedom land
Well don't let the politician turn you 'round
Slow you down, slow you down
Well don't let the politician slow you down
You got to keep on walkin', keep on talkin'
Marchin' to the freedom land
Well don't you let the army general burn the world
Burn the world, burn the world
Well don't let the army general burn this world
You got to keep on walkin', keep on talkin'
Marchin' to the freedom land
Well don't you let nobody turn you 'round
Turn you 'round, turn you 'round
Well don't you let nobody turn you 'round
You got to keep on walkin', keep on talkin'
Marchin' to the freedom land
Journey with me in my experiences as an online Home Based Travel Business Owner.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Andria Hall Woman of Courage
January 12, 2009 was a very sad day for me. My family had to put our best friend, little brother, my baby, playmate down after a brief illness. It was a very emotional day for all of us. He would have been 15 years old next month and he brought so much joy into our family. I really felt it when I came home from work and didn't see my little fur-ball curled up on the couch. Smokey weasled himself in our lives one snowy day in March 1994 when my husband spotted him in the hallway of our building huddled next to the hallway radiator. He immediately spotted my husband and worked himself in our lives. My husband knocked on the door after leaving from work, with this charcoal gray sickly kitten on his shoulder and he said "can we keep him?" just like a little kid. We nursed him back to health from his respiratory infection, skin and eye infections. He showed his gratefulness for the next 15 years.
I got home from work, in mourning for our loss, then I sat down, and got hit by 2 calls informing me that Andria Hall, a former CNN and WNBC news anchor and New Jersey Director with my travel biz host company, passed away after her battle with cancer. I had the pleasure of being blessed by Andria's testimony this past August at our National Convention 2008. She came unto the stage sans the wig she had been previously wearing. Alot of people, including those in her downline had no idea that she was battling cancer, but she decided that she needed to make a statement. What a woman of strength! She talked about how our company's free insurance came in time when she was cut off her husband's insurance. She unashamedly shared her faith in the Lord. She gave encouragement to everyone in that building that may have been facing some sort of challenge. Let me tell you there was not one dry eye in the Edward's Dome when she finished.
Both Smokey and Andria Hall have left me with everlasting memories. I like to think that they are both up there in heaven, having arrived probably around the same time, and his tail is fondly brushing against her leg as they are making friends with each other.
RIP Andria, RIP Smokey as you dwell in God's eternal glory. You will be missed by your loved ones. Until we see you again on that other shore......So long
Read the Carib World News article about Andria here
I got home from work, in mourning for our loss, then I sat down, and got hit by 2 calls informing me that Andria Hall, a former CNN and WNBC news anchor and New Jersey Director with my travel biz host company, passed away after her battle with cancer. I had the pleasure of being blessed by Andria's testimony this past August at our National Convention 2008. She came unto the stage sans the wig she had been previously wearing. Alot of people, including those in her downline had no idea that she was battling cancer, but she decided that she needed to make a statement. What a woman of strength! She talked about how our company's free insurance came in time when she was cut off her husband's insurance. She unashamedly shared her faith in the Lord. She gave encouragement to everyone in that building that may have been facing some sort of challenge. Let me tell you there was not one dry eye in the Edward's Dome when she finished.
Both Smokey and Andria Hall have left me with everlasting memories. I like to think that they are both up there in heaven, having arrived probably around the same time, and his tail is fondly brushing against her leg as they are making friends with each other.
RIP Andria, RIP Smokey as you dwell in God's eternal glory. You will be missed by your loved ones. Until we see you again on that other shore......So long
Read the Carib World News article about Andria here
Monday, January 12, 2009
Twitter by the Seas with Carnival Destiny

1st Twitter by the Sea Cruise
Themed Cruise For Bloggers, Social Media, WAHMS and Twitter Fanatics!
The Topics are Blogging, WAHM, Social Media & Network Marketing
There will be Motivational Speakers, experts in Social Media.
This is in addition to the normal
Carnival Cruise Itinerary
Carnival Destiny leaving from Miami, Florida
Going to Ocho Rios Jamaica, and Cayman Islands
Saturday Aug. 29, 2009 - Sept 3, 2009
Book now go to Groups tab.
or Fill in Contact Me form at
put Your contact info including your telephone number. name and number of people traveling and the cabin you are interested in. Make sure you put
Twitter by the Sea in the body of your message, with your preferences.
11 - Suite - $1030.73 per person
8B - Balcony - $610.73 per person
6B - Ocean View - $510.73 per person
4B - Inside - $440.73 per person
Prepaid gratuities of $50.00 per person are included in the above rates.
Insurance is optional but strongly recommended:
$99.00 per person - Suite
$79.00 per person - Balcony
$59.00 per person - Ocean View
$49.00 per person - Inside
A $25.00 per person deposit ($200.00 per person/Suite) is due January 23, 2009
A $200.00 per person payment is due April 29, 2009
Final payment is due June 23, 2009
It is the traveler's responsibility to be aware of required government documents necessary for travel.
We strongly recommend that all travelers obtain a passport.
In addition to the normal Cruise Itineray there will be
Motivational Speakers, experts in Social Media.
Imagine meeting Tweeples that are supportive, creative, and powerful key players on the internet.
Make it a family vacation and bring your family to take advantage of the low Group based prices.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Oprah Winfrey fell off the wagon...So did I
Watching Oprah Winfrey tell Bob Greene how and why she fell off the weight loss wagon! Now I already told you all what one of my goals are for this year! Yup! I'm right there with Oprah! I'm getting back on the getting healthy wagon!
"Money, fame and success don't mean anything if you can't control your own being." Says Oprah! That's the key "control". She said in 2005 when she was on the cover of her magazine with the midriff bearing outfit she thought she had "conquered the battle of the bulge".
Oprah's weight battle ( and mine too) gives way to some life lessons we all have to deal with.
1- We will never arrive- There will always be another obstacle to overcome in life.
Once we say to ourselves "I did it! Now I can relax" is when we start down that slippery slope of defeat.
2-We can't surrender to obstacles that seem unsurmountable. - Oprah resigned herself to being "fat" when she received the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. She admits to saying "everything I eat is going to make me fat anyway, and my metabolism isn't working, so I might as well just eat whatever I want. Okay. Fat wins,'"
3- We need balance in our lives. Oprah found she needs balance between work and play. She says "It's about extending yourself in so many different directions that you literally become unconscious. You're just trying to get through it all and not giving back to yourself. When you love yourself enough, you take care of yourself."
4- We must be organized- We need to plan. The key to getting back on the wagon is being organized. "You have to plan for your life," Oprah says.
That's the bottom line we have to take care of ourselves, physically,spiritually and emotionally.
Now Oprah is one of the world's richest women, actually richest people for that matter. She wasn't born into wealth. She WORKED hard to become wealthy. She is a businesswoman that anyone should emulate.
As I read the article on her site I realized more and more that the above principles apply to business as well.
We can't feel that we are successful and now can sit back and rest. We can't surrender to the dreamsnatchers that are jealous of what we achieve or just plain dislike us for having the initiative of helping ourselves. We also cannot succumb to the challenges placed in our lives. We need to seek balance in our lives. Leave time for family. It can't be about business building all the time. Lastly we need to be organized. We need to Plan out our day around our responsibilities as entrepreneurs, parents and community members.
I respect Oprah as she bared her soul and shared the weight challenges she is having. It shows that she is human. She may not know it but she is also a roll model.
So Oprah, I am getting back on the wagon along with you in 2009. In more ways than one! Hey can I book you a cruise?
Own your own Homebased Travel Business - Join Now while we have the 1/2 price Christmas Special
Join Me on the TwitterCruise "Twitter by the Sea" - A cruise dedicated to bloggers, Twitters and all social media types!
Join Gail at Black Business Builders and Learn how to grow your business. There is so much resources available for you at this site.
"Money, fame and success don't mean anything if you can't control your own being." Says Oprah! That's the key "control". She said in 2005 when she was on the cover of her magazine with the midriff bearing outfit she thought she had "conquered the battle of the bulge".
Oprah's weight battle ( and mine too) gives way to some life lessons we all have to deal with.
1- We will never arrive- There will always be another obstacle to overcome in life.
Once we say to ourselves "I did it! Now I can relax" is when we start down that slippery slope of defeat.
2-We can't surrender to obstacles that seem unsurmountable. - Oprah resigned herself to being "fat" when she received the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. She admits to saying "everything I eat is going to make me fat anyway, and my metabolism isn't working, so I might as well just eat whatever I want. Okay. Fat wins,'"
3- We need balance in our lives. Oprah found she needs balance between work and play. She says "It's about extending yourself in so many different directions that you literally become unconscious. You're just trying to get through it all and not giving back to yourself. When you love yourself enough, you take care of yourself."
4- We must be organized- We need to plan. The key to getting back on the wagon is being organized. "You have to plan for your life," Oprah says.
That's the bottom line we have to take care of ourselves, physically,spiritually and emotionally.
Now Oprah is one of the world's richest women, actually richest people for that matter. She wasn't born into wealth. She WORKED hard to become wealthy. She is a businesswoman that anyone should emulate.
As I read the article on her site I realized more and more that the above principles apply to business as well.
We can't feel that we are successful and now can sit back and rest. We can't surrender to the dreamsnatchers that are jealous of what we achieve or just plain dislike us for having the initiative of helping ourselves. We also cannot succumb to the challenges placed in our lives. We need to seek balance in our lives. Leave time for family. It can't be about business building all the time. Lastly we need to be organized. We need to Plan out our day around our responsibilities as entrepreneurs, parents and community members.
I respect Oprah as she bared her soul and shared the weight challenges she is having. It shows that she is human. She may not know it but she is also a roll model.
So Oprah, I am getting back on the wagon along with you in 2009. In more ways than one! Hey can I book you a cruise?
Own your own Homebased Travel Business - Join Now while we have the 1/2 price Christmas Special
Join Me on the TwitterCruise "Twitter by the Sea" - A cruise dedicated to bloggers, Twitters and all social media types!
Join Gail at Black Business Builders and Learn how to grow your business. There is so much resources available for you at this site.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Year Resolutions or Goals for 2009?

Every Year I am asked "what are your New Years Resolutions?" And every year those New Year resolutions are gone by the second week in January. The better plan should be to make Goals. Goals are more realistic. they are doable. they can be broken down into smaller steps. The african adage says "The best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.
I learned that Goals should be S.M.A.R.T.
Sspecific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.
This is my plan for 2009. I will write out my personal, family and business Goals.
This is what my plan of Goals will look like.
Objective: What I am going to do to work towards my goal
Strategy- My specific plans to reach the objective. How do I overcome the particular obstacles that may prevent me from reaching my objectives.
Evaluation- Re-evaluate my plans and the success or lack of it within a prescribed. How close am I to my success? How far am I way from the starting point? How close am I to the end point?
Here's an Example
Goal- to lose 50 lbs this year (yes I am putting it out there)
Objective- To become healthier, lessen my knee and back pain. to not become diabetic or hypertensive
Strategy- Go back on my Weight Watchers Plan, either the At work program or the Online program Get in more exercise. Take lunch and snacks to work. Journal what I eat. Wear a pedometer. Use my Exercise Walk at Home DVDs. I will set short goals for 5 lbs at a time.
Evaluation- Weekly weigh ins, Monthly measurements.
I actually can elaborate more on this, but you get the idea.
I have made similar plans for my Travel business as well. I have learned alot and I will be making changes to reflect those changes. In addition I will be sharing and assisting my Business Associates on my team to do the same.
When we fail to plan we plan to fail. I intend to make 2009 a year of success for me my famly and my business. Why not join me in making Goals for 2009 instead of New Year Resolutions.
Own your own Homebased Travel Business - Join Now while we have the 1/2 price Christmas Special
Join Me on the TwitterCruise "Twitter by the Sea" - A cruise dedicated to bloggers, Twitters and all social media types!
Join Gail at Black Business Builders and Learn how to grow your business. There is so much resources available for you at this site.
New Years Resolution,
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