This has truly been a December to Remember.
It was confirmed that we are in a recession from December of last year.. As we if we didn’t notice!! The Dow has been going up an down more times than a roller coaster. Yesterday it dropped 700 points. Many companies have announced that they are canceling bonuses, canceling year end holiday parties, canceling raises and merit increases. But those are the lucky ones. Other companies like Citgroup, Washington Mutual, Starbucks are laying off thousands of employees.
But this gloom and doom is not the reason this is a December to Remember. Today for the first time at the World’s Largest Travel Party a huge announcement was made. The Coach's Christmas Specials were announced. I see this as an answer to Recession for many families.
During the last recession in the ‘90s my family was a victim of the Recession. My husband was laid off and we had 2 infants and a elementary school age child, with income coming in from any source. Fast forward to now but I do not have the fear that I had 19 years ago. For this recession I have a back up plan.
I want my friends, family and readers to experience my version of a December to Remember.
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This December to Remember special ends January 10, 2009.
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