Journey with me in my experiences as an online Home Based Travel Business Owner.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Welcome 2009! Happy New Year-
How did this happen?
1-They had enough faith to trust the Master.
2-They followed his exact instructions, even though it didn't make sense to them at the time.
3- They were willing to work
That's it! Just like home based businesses. Its netWORK marketing. A friend pointed out that just like the Disciples we must be willing to push (ACTION) the boat (our PRODUCT) away from the shore (netWORK.
Here's to 2009 coming just in time. More than ever we must not Beleive what we see (Recession) but SEE what we believe ( success) because with God all things are possible!
I'm here for you. If you need me call me. Fill out the info in the form on the side with a working telephone number and email.
Take a Vacation in 2009
Your own travel site for 1/2 price Read more about Coach's Christmas Special - Expires Jan. 10, 2009
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Forgiveness - Just Let it Go
Everyone alive thinks that they’re the “good guy.” He or she is the
hero in their version of the story. They have a reason for what
they do - even if it’s impractical or unworkable or has evil
People who are troublesome aren’t worth changing. Don’t even waste
time complaining about them.
If someone hurts you, it’s not about you and you shouldn’t act like
it was. People do what they do because of their own inner reality.
Learn what you can do differently the next time, then forgive them
and move on.
Really. Forgive them completely. And then, figure out how to
manage, tolerate or avoid them in the future.
By the way, forgiving doesn’t mean that you think whatever they did
is okay. It’s NOT okay. But here’s the thing - if you don’t forgive
someone you can’t ever let it go. Then you have to go around with
this burden of anger and sourness. Wasn’t the original hurt enough
for you? Why would you want to preserve it and remember it? Or them?
Carrying grudges ties up brain cells that you could use to make
life sweeter for yourself and those you love. So, after you forgive
them, forgive yourself for getting hurt - and then LET IT GO!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Expect less From Others and More from Yourself
Most people expect way too much from others while they themselves
actually get very little done. Inertia and distraction are
insidious and damn near universal - expect it in others but guard
against it in your own behavior.
Everyone listens to his or her favorite mental radio station -
W.I.I.F.M., which stands for, “What’s In It For Me?” So don’t take
it personally when you’re overlooked, your call goes un-returned,
and you go un-thanked.
Most of your fellow humans are so distracted and disorganized that
they only get around to the most essential, familiar or urgent
things in their lives. They’re on “autopilot” most of the time -
aren’t we all on occasion?
This self-interest is natural and healthy. Use this knowledge of
other’s desires in your plans and proposals.
Here’s the big principle. If you want something to happen, take
control and do it yourself. Don’t get bitter if perhaps someone
else didn’t keep a commitment to help you.
It is a waste of time to criticize others, and a bigger waste to
pay attention to anyone’s criticism of you. Just know that you can
get better at doing things on your own. It’s a LOT easier than
trying to get someone else to change.
Friday, December 26, 2008
I am Ready to make a Change in 2009
I am continuing the Principles of Change series written by Lee Green of the Black Business Builders Club. As we look toward 2009 its time for personal and business reflections. here is Principle #6
Okay, take a deep breath here. This one gets a lot of people,
because most of us have been brainwashed all of our lives to
believe a huge lie. We’ve all been taught that we “owe” other
people all sorts of obligations, and that we should expect lots of
things from them in return.
That idea, is essentially ... B.S.!
We waste an incredible amount of time either doing things we don’t
want and don’t have to do, or feeling guilty because we didn’t do
something we “should” have done. We also waste a lot of time and
emotion being disappointed when we don’t get what we expect from
Freedom lies in the other direction.
The truth is, you don’t owe anyone anything and they don’t owe
anything to you. This is all part of the “guilt” thing. It’s good
for us to give to others, but ONLY when and how we choose.
The difference between free people who master their lives and those
who are slaves is easy to spot.
Who sets their priorities?
Free people set their own priorities, while “slaves” allow them to
be set by outsiders.
Your life belongs to you and you alone - and not anyone else. Want
a formula for unhappiness? Make your welfare dependent upon someone
else’s choices. Do you need “support” from those you love? Or
approval from a parent or friend? Or permission from anybody to
pursue your own path? That’s not living - that’s slavery!
Don’t look to anyone else for your success or happiness. That’s
your job and yours alone. You must tend to your own welfare. No one
else will, nor should they.
Join Gail at Black Business Builders and Learn how to grow your business. There is so much resources available for you at this site.
Black Business Builders
Own your own Homebased Travel Business - Join Now while we have the 1/2 price Christmas Special
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
CHRISTmas Blessings to ALL

Jesus is truly the reason for the Season. I was pondering the Christmas story of how a single woman who for all practical purposes gave birth to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. How Kings traveled to give tribute to a baby who they recognized was royalty despite the meagerness of his birth in a manger instead of a palace. I am so thankful.
O Come let Us Adore Him, Christ the Lord
I wish everyone safe travels and happy times with their family.
Have a Blessed CHRISTmas!
Moving forward to change for 2009
Principles 4 & 5 from "12 Principles of Change" by Lee Green from Black Business Builders Club
You’ve probably heard the saying, “As you sow, so shall you reap.”
It means that our lives are created by what we do, not by what we
intend. It means that we can harvest only what we plant. And every
day you’re planting something, so choose wisely.
The biggest and most important influences in your life are created
by small daily acts. For example - Meditate, Study, Set Goals,
Save Money, Exercise, Floss, Smile, and Say Thank You.
When you do the right thing at the right time it makes more
difference than if you make a big dramatic effort too late.
Cramming may work in school, but not in real life. The school term
is over in a few months; life lasts longer. Days turn into years
and those years become your life.
The most important qualities in life - Spirituality, Health,
Relationships, Wealth, and Your Personal Character - are developed
by regular acts done on a daily basis. They’re called “practices.”
Daily practices - done on schedule. What? Just “can’t do anything
on a schedule?” Baloney. You can do anything you want on a
schedule, unless you’ve never gotten to a plane on time. It’s a
matter of priorities. And your priorities create your quality of
life. Choose the practices of your life as if you were a farmer.
You can’t skip spring planting if you want a fall harvest. Master
this principle and you will live your life to its fullest.
Changing your life doesn’t take a lot of work - just repeat a
single positive act daily for three weeks and it will become a
habit. Good. Now add another one. Then another one. The force of
good habits will automatically generate power and “good luck,” and
your life will blossom.
Here’s a secret about “Original sin”. It’s guilt, and you get it
from your parents.
Are you self-conscious? Most people are. They’re worried that
they’re “unzipped.” They’re walking around thinking that people
will notice their missing button, their bad hairdo, their poor
credit and personal shortcomings. These feelings are universal -
we all got them while we were being taught how to behave as infants
(”No!” “Bad!” “Don’t!”).
When we become adults we are supposed to leave these feelings of
inadequacy in childhood where they were needed.
The way to do this is to forgive your parents for their
shortcomings, whether they were minor or major. And then forgive
yourself for all your sins, real and imagined. Forgiving doesn’t
mean that you think what happened was okay. It just means that you
free yourself from the work of remembering it and getting mad at
people that may not even be around anymore. Including the younger
“you.” You MUST do this if you want to be free.
Join Gail at Black Business Builders and Learn how to grow your business. There is so much resources available for you at this site.
Own your own Homebased Travel Business - Join Now while we have the 1/2 price Christmas Special
Monday, December 22, 2008
Change in 2009 - Principle #3
There is a Law of Attraction in human nature. What is in your mind
is reflected “out there,” in what you experience as your reality.
Afraid? Then all the goblins that you fear will be attracted to
you. The only useful purpose of fear is to remind you to plan. Plan
so that you protect yourself from harm, but don’t become timid. If
you play it TOO safe, you’ll freeze in place and trade your life
away for nothing.
Angry? Then you’ll get a lot of angry people to tussle with. Your
life will fill up with honking horns and people pushing you around,
and you’ll spend all your time pushing back.
It’s a good idea to choose your habitual thought patterns
carefully. Love, optimism and gratitude are good choices. These
states of mind inspire you to explore, to create, to grow and to
give. People and opportunities will become attracted to you. And
the goblins and angry people will get smaller and less important,
and finally they’ll fade and go away.
The point of choice comes up when you have to deal with a
challenging situation. Do you call it a “bad break” - some S.O.B.
was out to get you? Or was it just something that happened ...
leaving it up to you to interpret in the most nourishing way? You
might as well be positive. Bottom line - it works better. It makes
you easier to be around and more creative and good-natured. And
your immune system will be strengthened.
Events are just events until our thoughts and reactions turn them
into experience. What the experience means and how useful it might
be, are the choices that we make -they’re the stories we tell
ourselves about our lives.
We’re taught that it’s not ‘reasonable’ to expect to win all the
time. Nonsense! That kind of thinking numbs ambition and smothers
greatness. Even worse it leads to reasonable excuses. Excuses don’t
accomplish anything so do NOT be reasonable. Actually, achieving
the impossible is quite normal - you’ve done it thousands of times.
EVERYTHING you do now was impossible for you before you did it the
first time, from feeding yourself to balancing your checkbook.
Try this for a week. Focus on what you want instead of what you
don’t want. Practice the skills of optimism, gratitude, generosity
and forgiveness and your life will expand.
Yes, that’s right. PRACTICE.
Good attitudes are skills that you develop through repetition, just
like swimming or math. And skills become second nature through
practice. You will become stronger and more relaxed when you decide
that you might as well thrive. Your commitment to expectancy is
another skill, and it’s decisive and magnetic. It attracts luck and
creates focus. People and opportunities will be drawn to you. Life
starts to get easier. And more fun.
Go ahead and test it. What have you got to lose? The only way you
can fail at anything is to quit trying!
Join Gail at Black Business Builders and Learn how to grow your business. There is so much resources available for you at this site.
Own your own Homebased Travel Business - Join Now while we have the 1/2 price Christmas Special
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Change for 2009- Principles for Change #2
Black Business builders
As a young man growing up in the South Bronx, I learned the hard
way that I needed to take my corners wide and keep my hands out of
my pockets. In other words, I had to stay balanced, alert and ready
to react to surprises. I’ve found that a lot of life’s situations
require "street smarts". They range from the bedroom to the
boardroom, and you will encounter them throughout your life.
Keep your balance. Stay centered. Expect surprises.
Being centered has two sides; inner and outer.
Begin within.
Inner centeredness comes first; look there for your "best self". It
is how you will find peace of mind. There is a place in you that’s
connected to something beyond you. Spending time there will keep
your mind clear and your spirit refreshed. That “doorway” is your
Until you’re connected to your core, you won’t be very good at
handling the rest of the world. Few people really get this. It is
the single most important and least understood fact of life.
Your center is easy to find. Every spiritual tradition in history
teaches prayer and meditation - it’s the most important thing you
can do for the quality of your life. Just take a little break a
couple of times a day, and learn to be still and RELAX. If you
give yourself this little time each day, you will become calmer,
stronger and your physical and mental health will improve. You will
begin to focus more on what you think of yourself, than what others
may think of you.
For outer centeredness, you need to gain awareness of your personal
boundaries. This is critical. Pay close attention to where you stop
and others start. Protect your personal prerogatives and respect
those of others. Allowing others to invade your boundaries will
destroy your personal freedom and subject you to their tyranny.
If you cross the boundaries of others you become codependent with
them, caring more about how they live their lives than how you live
yours. You can care about others without having to run their lives.
Let them go and feel the relief, once you get used to living only
your own life
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Preparing for 2009- 12 Principles for Change
12 Principles for Change by Lee Green- Black Business Builders
These are non-negotiable and there are no escape clauses. No
excuses are accepted. Ignore them at your own risk. Keep in mind, I
got this information over decades of living, but many people have
never learn these rules at all. And so they live in “quiet
desperation.” You don’t have to settle for that. If you consider
these facts and test them against your experience (NOT your
conditioning!), I predict you’ll adopt them, and you’ll be on your
way to a life of freedom and accomplishment.
This is a MAJOR fact of life. And it took me a long time to get
this. If you want to be smarter than me you’ll give this first
principle serious consideration. Your skill level in these two
areas will determine the quality of your whole life. Every champion
and high achiever knows this. These simple skills are the clear
difference between winners in life, and losers.
If you learn to manage yourself you can accomplish anything you can
dream up. You can deal with negative experiences wisely and you can
add skills as you need them. You can become unstoppable. Self
management puts you on the launching pad to all the success you
Most people limit themselves by their unwillingness to consider
personal change. They won’t learn new things and they won’t change
their behaviors, even when they discover they’ve been wrong.
The funny thing is, self-change is EASY. You are the one person
that you can get to anytime you want. You don’t need permission or
an appointment, and no one can stop you from learning and changing
whenever you decide to. The only obstacle is you!
Self-management is actually the first step to building people
skills. Once you commit to changing yourself into who you can be,
you will notice the people around you in a different way. Now you
see them as fellow beings with their own fears and drives. And they
will see you with new respect and attractiveness. You are
surrounded by people who can help or harm you, based on how you
treat them. Learning how people work is a skill, just like
learning how you work. These people can multiply your efforts and
supercharge your success. It takes leadership and persuasion skills
- people skills.
People skills are like a booster rocket propelling you to your
dreams. And the process of succeeding with others can be learned
just like you learn to make toast. If you follow directions and
practice, you can develop the skills that will make you very happy
and prosperous.
Join Gail at Black Business Builders and Learn how to grow your business. There is so much resources available for you at this site.
Own your own Homebased Travel Business - Join Now while we have the 1/2 price Christmas Special
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Oprah's Weight Gain Confession

So the big buzz now is all about Oprah’s weight gain confession! Geez…. You know I can relate to my girl Oprah in that department. I was looking over some pictures I took 3 years ago and realized how much of the 54 lbs I lost was put back on. Thankfully I am not at my starting weight. I vow never to go aback there again….EVER!!!
Then last night I was watching my most favorite show, “the Biggest Loser” and Bob Harper was explaining how Season 1 Biggest Loser winner Ryan Benson now weighs as much today as he did when he first came to the house. How could that be? Bob explained it was because he didn’t “learn anything”.
Okay so now you are asking what does these 3 weight loss experiences have to do with being a business owner? It has a lot to do with it. We are shaped by our experiences, both positive and negative. Our success depends on what we do with both experiences.
First- When you fail, you pick yourself up and try it again, learning from the mistakes you made before.
Second- Build on your past successes, change what you did wrong.
Recently a fellow business associate said to me “I’m about to give it up” I asked her what happened? What went wrong? She replied “I didn’t do anything with it’. Weight loss like business only is successful if we continually work on it. Once you relax, you stop losing weight and God forbid even gain back. In any business once an entrepreneur stops working on it then the income slows down to a drip drip drip.
My intentions are to do both. I’m not giving up in either venue!
By the way while I am at it, check our my new booking E ngine.
Oprah don't worry about the weight gain. It happens to the best of us!
I’m off to burn off some calories. The holidays are coming!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Joshua Persky Found a Job

Congratulations Joshua Perskey, he found a job. A blog reader who happens to work for WCBS radio 880 emailed me to let me know the good news. I wrote a blog about Joshua Perskey on another blog site.
You remember him? He's the former Wall Street Banker who spent the summer walking New York's financial district with a sandwich board and giving out resumes to anyone who would take it. Well it seems that his strategy worked!
Joshua is now working for Weiser LLP.
"The image struck a chord and went all over the world, and I started getting phone calls and email by the hundreds from all over the world," said Joshua Persky.
Who said network marketing doesn't work! Joshua Perskey proved that it does.
You can beat the recession Also! Become a Travel website owner for 1/2 price of $250 free 1 month web hsoting. (see me for details)Own 4 Websites! Golf, Honeymoon romance, An Adventure Website, Flower site. Your website will look like this.
Go to and fill out the Contact form and I will be glad to help you.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
A December to Remember

This has truly been a December to Remember.
It was confirmed that we are in a recession from December of last year.. As we if we didn’t notice!! The Dow has been going up an down more times than a roller coaster. Yesterday it dropped 700 points. Many companies have announced that they are canceling bonuses, canceling year end holiday parties, canceling raises and merit increases. But those are the lucky ones. Other companies like Citgroup, Washington Mutual, Starbucks are laying off thousands of employees.
But this gloom and doom is not the reason this is a December to Remember. Today for the first time at the World’s Largest Travel Party a huge announcement was made. The Coach's Christmas Specials were announced. I see this as an answer to Recession for many families.
During the last recession in the ‘90s my family was a victim of the Recession. My husband was laid off and we had 2 infants and a elementary school age child, with income coming in from any source. Fast forward to now but I do not have the fear that I had 19 years ago. For this recession I have a back up plan.
I want my friends, family and readers to experience my version of a December to Remember.
For the first time ever, a website like this can be yours for ½ the price. At $250 the Travel Affiliate can earn 30% of the Vendor commission and get 1 month hosting fee for free. The affiliate can upgrade to full status by paying the additional $250 at a later time and earning the total 60% commission. In addition the Affiliate can also qualify for the company Exclusive trips!
The second opportunity is to join at full price of $499.90 and take the “First Class Travel Training” for free. The Affiliate can upgrade to an Referring Travel Agent for free, and earn 70% commission. An added plus is getting 2 months hosting fee for free!
For more info go to
Contact me by filling out the form on this blog
Email me at WLKRG5@GMAIL.COM
CALL 917-476-7305
This December to Remember special ends January 10, 2009.
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sometimes we need to just stop in our tracks and look up to the heavens and be grateful. In this time of economic turmoil and threats of terrorism, ( My prayers to t he people of Mumbai India) we need to thank God that we have life, health and just able to be here reading this blog.
So today I am taking the time to thank first my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for life and salvation.
My family for support and the challenges....Teenagers....LOL
My Travel Biz host company for providing the means for making extra money to help the famly.
All my new freinds and mentors!
Our brand new President-elect Barack Obama (praying for much guidance, wisdom and SAFETY)
Be blessed everyone. Happy Thanksgiving. Got to go finish cooking now!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Planning Your Inauguration 2009 Trip

The Planning for the Inauguration 2009 trips started as soon as President-elect Obama completed his acceptance speech. The theme for this year is "A New Birth of Freedom". Hundreds of thousands of people will be pouring into our Nation's capital for this momentous occasion of the installation of our 44th president and the Nation's 56th inauguration overall. What makes it even more special that this momentous occasion is occuring on Martin Luther King's Birthday weekend. I know he is looking down because this must be the Promised Land that he saw.
Washington D.C is a great vacation destination even when there is no great event like the Inauguration. It certainly has been one of my family's favorite vacations trough the years. We have been there at least 4 times and have yet to see everything.
One thing that disturbs me as a travel agent is the many fly by night companies that are "charging" for tickets to the Swearing in Ceremony. I want to set the record straight. Tickets for the swearing in ceremony are free and can be obtained from your Senator's office or Congress Representative. Check for information at the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.
Hotel rooms are going rapidly. One suggestion is to look for hotels in nearby Arlington Va or nearby Bethesda Maryland which is just off the suburbs of Washington D.C. Some hotels are requiring a 3-4 day minimum stay. Check on for hotel availability.
My suggestion for getting around Washington D.C. is the Metro. Its a subway that is amazingly well kept. Avoid the long lines and purchase your daily passes in advance. Rule of thumb that kept me from getting lost. Dupont Circle is the nucleus of the Metro system.
Most of the events surrounding the actual inauguration will be outdoors. Washington D.C can be pretty cold in January so remember to dress warmly and wear comfortable shoes. Be prepared to do alot of walking and standing. Also be prepared for HUGE crowds. A record amount of people are expected for the Inauguration.
There are so many attractions available for a family in Washington D.C. My faamily favorites are the National Air and Space Museum, National Museum of Natural History,
and the National Museum of American History. One of our favorite exhibits, the Capital Children's Museum closed its doors in 2004. I understand that it will re-open in 2012.
The events of the day for the public begins with the Swearing in Ceremony. That is followed up by the Inaugural Parade down Pennsylvania avenue. I am told there will be alot less bleachers available to accomodate the people that are expected.
Unless you got some serious conections its a safe bet that you will not be obtaining tickets to any of the official balls on Inauguration Night. However you may be able to get tickets to the State Society balls and some of the smaller events open to the public.
*National Mall Will Be Open to the Public on Inauguration Day
WASHINGTON, DC—In keeping with its pledge to make the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama one of the most open and accessible in history, the Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) announced today that, for the first time, the entire length of the National Mall will be opened to the public so that more people than ever before will be able to witness the swearing-in of the President from a vantage point in sight of the Capitol.
See the Official Obama Inauguration Website.
Important information for Inauguration Day, including prohibited items, Accessibility, Tickets and more.
Some Banned items are: Backpacks,Duffel bags,large bags,strollers,lasers,thermoses, coolers, umbrellas. Click on the link for the full list.
For more information on the Inauguration, go to the Official Presidential Inauguration Website.
Visit the Inauguration FAQs for frequently asked questions.
Inauguration 2009 will be one of the most historical inaugurations of our lifetime. Planning Your Inauguration 2009 trip will be one of the most memorable trips you will ever go on.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Scammed Again!

A fellow Network marketer wrote about getting scammed on a forum. Very surprising because he is an expert at what he does. I learned a HUGE lesson here. I had to share it with my readers.
I Got Scammed!
By Tony Rush
Man, I'm mad. I'm so mad I can't see straight. And I'm not just being emotional. I'm an intelligent person and I'm speaking from experience. Don't make the mistake I did or you'll regret it.
Gold's Gym is a scam. In fact, I think the whole fitness club industry is a scam.
I saw pictures of people who were fit and trim and beautiful. And I wanted to be fit and trim and beautiful. So, I paid the $30 fee to come every month.
Then, guess what! No one told me that I had to pay extra for those power-bar snacks that were on the counter. Or that my membership fee didn't include the sports drinks. Or that a personal trainer wasn't included.
These things should have been my first red flags.
But, still I was excited that I might be able to lose some weight and start looking good. So I ignored the warning signals and started working out.
Well, I did everything they told me to do. I worked my legs a little. I didn't work out my arms because I hurt it one time in the past working out and I was afraid I'd get hurt again. So I skipped the arms.
I worked out my back. I worked my stomach a little bit but I decided I didn't want to push myself too hard. Plus, I was getting hungry after all this working out so I went and bought a powerbar. SIX DOLLARS! I kid you not. If I hadn't been so hungry, I wouldn't have bought one. But one of the guys who worked out there said he used them for daily snacks and he looked pretty good. So I thought I'd "try" one.
Anyway. That's not what made me mad. I'm coming to that part.
This all went on for a few days. I even spent $100 on workout clothes. It wasn't required but other people in the gym had them so I thought I'd get some, too.
In fact, I spent another $100 on a pair of new workout shoes. I picked a pair that I felt like I could still use even if I stopped working out. You never know if things are going to pan out the way you want, you know? day, I was talking to a guy in the locker room. He was about 40 pounds overweight and he told me he'd been coming to the gym for SIX MONTHS. I did the math in my head..."If this guy has been here for six months, why isn't he thin and trim yet???"
That's when the warning bells went off again. This whole thing might just be a scam to get people's money. I mean, this guy wasn't mad or fact, he was excited that he'd lost some weight....BUT HE'S STILL OVERWEIGHT! And he's spending that money every month...and Gold's Gym just keeps taking it!
Then I thought, "I should get on the Internet and look up Gold's Gym!". I don't know why I didn't do that before! So, I went to Google and typed in "Gold's Gym scam" and you won't believe what I found!
Did you know that 80% of the people who join Gold's Gym cancel their membership within the first year? That 95% of the people who join Gold's Gym have never won a fitness contest? Or gotten a job as a model?
I found one lady online who said she joined Gold's Gym and the manager of the gym said she needed a personal trainer to help her create a "fitness plan" and to keep her on track. Guess what? She said it cost her an additional $200 a WEEK! What a ripoff! She DID say that she lost some weight while she was going but that -- after she stopped going every day -- the weight came back. She fired the trainer and said it was all a scam, too.
I even found one story about a guy who said that they Gold's Gym stole his money. He was supposed to get a promotional price of $19 a month but when he got his credit card statement, he found out that they were charging him $30 a month. That's like $120 a year in stolen money if he hadn't caught it.
As if that wasn't enough, some friends and I were at McDonald's the other day and I mentioned something about Gold's Gym. My friend Susan said that she'd tried Gold's Gym a few years ago and got NO results at all. She laughed that I'd fallen for it, too. I was so mad I almost spilled my milkshake.
Anyway....after I read all the stuff on the Internet about Gold's Gym and talked to some of my friends, I decided to quit. I don't deal with scam artists. They're just in it for the money. They act like they're interested in people's health but I guarantee you that -- if no one paid them -- they'd close up shop. So much for their "mission", huh?
And I'm beginning to think that those fit, trim, beautiful people in the Gym are part of the scam, anyway. Gold's Gym probably pays them to come in there and work out so they can sell more memberships.
Am I saying that exercise doesn't work? No, I'm not saying that. I'm sure it does. I'm just saying that you have to be careful when you join these big fancy gyms with the full-color brochures and all the stories of how people are getting results.
Because the truth is that those people are probably coming in there EVERY day (not just sometimes).....they've probably changed their eating habits (which no one mentioned to me)...and you can bet that they're all buying a lot of extra stuff from the Gym that's not part of their regular membership fee.
So, take it from me: Gold's Gym is a rip-off. I know. I've been there. The idea that you can come in and work out every day and start looking fit and trim SOUNDS good....but that's just to get you in the door.
Remember what they say, "If it sounds too good to be probably is."
Anyway, all this has taught me a lesson. I'm not going to get suckered again. Next time I see someone or something that can supposedly "improve my life", I'll think twice.
Whether it's a diet.....a business idea.....or just an idea....I'll go check it out on Google first.
After all, if it's on the Internet it must be true, right?
Tongue firmly in cheek,
Tony Rush
No scam here..... - Book fantastic vacations on this site, competitive rates
Looking for a way to beat the recession? Try a home based business in travel. -Fill out the contact information.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Disney- Pay for 4 nights, Get 3 Free
Plan a vacation that’s as affordable as it is memorable.
Buy a non-discounted 4-day/4-night package, that includes Disney Value Resort accommodations and Theme Park tickets, and get three additional days and nights, with tickets, free.
Book through Dec. 20, 2008, and travel for stays most nights
Jan. 4–April 4 and April 19–June 27, 2009.
Stay in a standard room, at a Disney Value Resort
— for stays most nights Jan. 4–Feb. 12, 2009 — for:
For a family of four. That’s like paying $46 per person, per day for this 7-night package.
Or stay in a standard room, at a Disney Value Resort
— for stays most nights Feb. 13–April 4, 2009 — for:
For a family of four. That’s like paying $53 per person, per day for this 7-night package
It won’t be around long. Book through Dec. 20, 2008.
For rates for travel April 19–June 27, 2009, ask your travel agent.
And receive a $200 Disney Gift Card free**
If you travel from January 4 - March 29, 2008
* Price based on two adults, one junior and one child. The number of packages allocated for these offers is limited. Magic Your Way Base Tickets are for one Theme Park per day and must be used within 14 days of first use. No group rates or other discounts apply. Advance reservations required.
**One Gift Card per reservation. Disney Gift Card valid at select locations at
Walt Disney World® Resort, Disneyland® Resort, Disney Cruise Line®, U.S.
Disney Store locations and Not redeemable for cash.
For more information: Go to
Click on Contact us and Leave your contact information, including dates of traveland party size.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Obama Won, Change has Come, Now What?

Obama won, Change has come, Now What? The parties are over. Campaign offices are cleaning up and closing. We are all looking to what will President Elect Obama do to solve our problems. The Dow still dropped another 500 points the day after the election. Governor David Patterson of New York, announced that he will be making severe b udget cuts. Mayor Mike Bloomberg, a financial wizard in his own right has announced that New York city will also suffer deep budget cuts? Our Lame duck President Bush is stil trying to work out another economic stimulus package.
The theme of the election was Yes We Can. Another theme was "We need a change." My question to you reader and to myself is what do I do? President Elect Obama cannot solve the country's economic problems alone. To help him we must help ourselves.
We must be conservative with our spending. Clean up our credit. Teach our children to respect money. And create our own economic stimulus.
There is a book I highly recommend to anyone seriously considering improving their financial situation. "The ABCs of Making Money". I have written about this book before. The authors take you through soup to nuts in how to re-organize your finances. When you pick up this book Check out the "Financial Freedom Snapshot". this book provides sample budgets and spread sheets and so much information you can use.
One thing these authors speak about is using business to become financially independant. It so happens that the authors reviewed my Travel host agency for my travel biz and it passed their stringent test. Now more than ever I am determined to make my home travel business successful. The National Convention this past August was a great encouragement to me. I am taking more training classes. Looking to book more and more travel with friends and family.
To help this economy we must find ways to help ourselves. My Travel Host company has a DVD called "Recession Proof Your Income" Talks about ways we can help insulate our families from the ravages of recession. That is by creating residual income.
So I hope after President-elect Obama has won we will expect him to magically change everything without us helping ourselves. One man did not get us into this economic mess alone. One man cannot clean it up alone.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
What made Jesse Jackson Cry?

Last night was such a monumental moment for me and my family. We watched Barack Obama become the first President who is Black of the U.S. As the cameras panned through the crowd the one picture that stood up was of Jesse Jackson who was visibly moved to tears. Yes we know that he had some unfortunate words for Obama while stumping for him during the campaign early on. He apologized for it. Unfortunately sometimes our elders are so stuck in their ways its hard for them to see there is another way to achieve a goal other than their old way.
But I saw a different Jesse Jackson last night. I saw an elder who was proud of his son. Jesse Jackson has seen it all. He walked, ate, slept, worried, campaigned with Martin Luther King. He then saw his mentor die at his feet. His clothes and his hands were covered with the last of Martin Luther King's blood as he saw the final hopes and dreams of Africans Americans ooze out of the lifeless body of Dr. King as he laid dying on the balcony of the Theresa Motel. But oh after the death comes the Resurrection.
After what seemed as an eternity, a glimmer of hope began to shine through in 2004. No actually it was the "Audacity of Hope". A newcomer came on the scene who had some unorthodox ways of doing things that was different from the tried and true methods of the old guard. Who would of thought it would work? But that Hope resurrected last night when the seeming impossible became possible. He then understood the total picture from before Rosa Parks to the Assasination of the King, to the seeming eternal wait for progress to the now birthing of a new generation that is taking this country to a new level.
That is why he is crying. He sees that Fannie Lou Hamer, the 3 Civil Rights Workers, The 4 Little Girls who died in the church Bombing, Viola Liuzzo, Thurgood Marshall and others did not have a dream die. We thought it had for a moment. But it lives in the hearts of Americans all over this country. They want change, they are mandating a change. Americans has demanded a Change.
Jesse's tears are tears of joy! Tears of accomplishment! Tears of relief! Tears of Hope! But never Tears of Regret. In 1984 and 1988 we were singing "Run Jesse Run". Now we can say Rest Jesse Rest. The baton has been handing over and its in good hands...
God Bless President BaracK Obama
God Bless America
Friday, October 31, 2008
Airlines Cutting Fares for the Holiday travel
Recession and the slowing down of the economy.
I suggest that you do your research because you can find some realy good deals. I started looking at some travel booking in my site and found some excellent fares for my friends that really surprised me. I did a price comparison on my site for today 11/1/08 and found that my site offered the same non stop flight from LaGuardia Airport to North Carolina for $63 cheaper than Expedia. Guess who site she booked on? That's right!
Happy Traveling!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Do You Twitter?
Twitter is the newest social networking tool on the internet. What does that mean? It means you have a new website to meet and interact with new people. Its a network marketers dream. But there is a twist that makes it fun. Instead of a blogpost like this. You have to answer one question. "What are you doing?". To make it more interesting, you must answer that question in 140 characters or less. This includes, commas, periods, spaces and more. These are called Tweets. Sometimes you really have to think about how to post.
You can check it out at I have my Twitter page at Now to make it more interesting there are other pages that interact with Twitter that I found out about. -The Twitter Grade measures the relative power of a Twitter user. It is calculated as a percentile score. My grade is a 58 ( I have to work on that). this means means that my scores are higher than 58 percent of the other user profiles that have been graded. The more you Twitter, the higher your score gets! - This is a search engine that looks alot like Google. Search for friends, neighbors, people with similar interests, the same business etc. this is alot of fun. Keep up with the latest on the elections. This was real fun during the debates! A place to upload your photos. I just found this today. I haven't figured out how to work it yet! - This is suppose to be a place to use when when its too long to tweet, but too short to blog. Just put it on the TwitWall . With TwitWall, you can embed your favorite videos and widgets, upload photos and more.
Look on the side panel of this blog and see my latest Tweets. This is a great way to meet people and network with other business owners.
Come on over and lets get Tweeting!
Book your travel at
Increase your income, be mentored by experts at
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Book Your Holiday Travel Now Before the Fares Go Up
In addition there are fewer flights available. In order to keep costs down, airlines are reducing the number of domestic flights available. Some flights may be booked.
Here are some Tips. Airfares sales are usually filed on Monday and available Tuesday through Thursday. Avoid booking your flights on Fridays through Monday if at all possible.
Another tip!-Pack light! If you can get away with just a carry on bag and your personal bag, then do it and avoid those $15-$25 charges for luggage.
My personal hint. Ladies you know how we like those huge handbags? Here is where they come in handy. Pack half of some of your items in your handbag and the rest in the carry on. Select clothing items that are wrinkle free that can be rolled up and take up little room. I saved at least $100 this summer that way!
While you are here, check out my website for competitive pricing. My clients consistently tell me that the prices are often the same and many times even cheaper than that of our competitors.
Looking to make an extra income? I am always looking for people to join my team. Contact me if you are interested.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I got a Raise from "First Class Training"
YTB prepared a 4 hour online travel training that is beyond awesome. It is available 24 hours 7 days a week! I chose to take all the modules in one day. But they actually can be taken at your convenience. Even one module a day if one so chooses. The content was rich! Information on our Preferred vendors, how to book group trips, and even a tour of the new enhanced travel website! There is so much additional travel training as well. This has truly whetted my appetite.
Taking this class online enables new Referring Travel Affiliates to upgrade to Referring Travel Agents and book directly with vendors. This class provides all the information needed to do so.
I have had the experience of booking direct with vendors based on the old guidelines and I can say it is really rewarding, and now it is even more rewarding with the raise we got to 70% vendor commission. This class was called "First Class" because there is so much more Travel training available to us:
E-Campus, our own ambitious training program
Destination Trainings - back office
Supplier Trainings - back office
Travel Agent University
Industry Publications
Funshine Travel Trade Shows
YTB University
Ship Inspections, sponsored by the company
YTB Events
Cruise 360
Booking Travel has just gotten easier.
Now is the time to get on board. We have an awesome team!
If interested, fill out the online form to your right on this site, or go to and fill out the online form there.
Maybe someone needs to tell Joe the Plumber!!
P.S. I hear that some more awesome information is coming out this week! I can't wait!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
How Joe the Plumber should Capitalize on His New Found Fame

John McClain and Barack Obama has given "Joe the Plumber" something more valuable, than his business. Free advertising! His name is worth more than all the money in the world. How should Joe the Plumber capitalize on his new found fame. He is afraid of buying a business that is worth $250,000 because of possible tax hikes. Well Joe the Plumber, if you are reading this you have hit a gold mine.
How about a home based travel business, that is fun, that costs less than $500 to start? A far cry from the $250,000 that you are considering.
Here is what you will get Joe!
*A bonafide publically traded home based business
*Your very own Travel Website that your friends, family neighbors can book their vacations on.
*An opportunity to take advantage of tax deductions available to home based businesses. (consult your tax professional for specifics)
*An opportunity to earn free health insurance (yay!! no health care fines!)
*The ability to travel as an insider
*A supportive team to help you to your success
*All the Travel Training that your brain could take in!
*Opportunity to have fun, fun, fun.
Now you know what is great now Joe? You have name recognition. Madison Ave would have paid millions for this opportunity. Free advertisment. That's it. Ordinary folks like me who don't have friends in high places running for president have done great with our online travel business.
So Joe Wurzelbacher aka Joe the Plumber, you have a valuable gift in your hand that John McCain and Barack Obama gave you during last night's debate .
So come on by my website Joe the Plumber and see what all the buzz is all about. at
P.S. Well it has come to light that Joe the Plumber isn't really a plumber after all. Neither is his employer. Well I guess that's all the reason that you need to use your 15 minutes of fame to promote your own online travel business.
and Joe, don't forget to vote!!
Gail is a small business entrepreneur with an online travel business who is looking to bless others with the ability to become financially secure!
Visit take a tour
See the business plan-
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Are People still Taking Vacations in this Crazy Economy?
People need a release from the stress of the jobs, and from life itself. What I have found as a Travel Agent is that folks are taking different types of vacations. Some call them "Staycations". Vacations that are closer to home for instance. My husband is a National Park Rangers and he told me that people are flocking to the National Parks these days. Travelers are basing their vacations by exploring sites closer to home.
Another trend is in the cruise industry. Travelers are taking cruises from port cities close to home where they can drive to, thus eliminating the need for airfare. This can drastically cut the cost of a vacation as much as 50% thus making it more affordable. Cruisers are also opting to take shorter, 3, 4, 5 day cruises.
And then we have the Baby Boomers". There are 53 million of them. These are the folks who watched "The Love Boat" in the ,70s-,80s and was fantasizing of one day going on these cruises and exotic trips like the ones Captain Gavin McCleod and Cruise Director Julie McCoy guided us through each Saturday evening. The Baby Boomers comprise a $192 billion travel industry. Baby b oomers are looking to take their vacations of a life time. They worked hard, and now are retired and taking exotic vacations to places like Egypt, China and Australia. MSNBC did a great story on this. Watch their video.
Even with this uncertain enconomy, People are still taking vacations and home based travel businesses are thriving as a result.
GailTravel is a Referring Travel Agent who is showing others how to be successful in their online home based travel business
Are you a Baby boomer in need of a great vacation? Take alook at what we have to offer at
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Get extra income by $elling Travel
As you know I chose to sell travel. You may ask, "How do you sell travel and you are a nurse?" My Host Agency YTB offers lots of training opportunities.
For example:
*Every Thursday there is a Travel training call on the Corporate Line that features one of our many Vendors.
*Carnival Connections Call on Saturdays
*In our Back office there are links to Training Opportunities
*The Funshine Trade Show
There are many more opportunites too numerous to name.
Most recently I sent an email into Corporate and got My username and Password to various Travel Agent only training sites. Right now I am in the process of taking the Princess Cruise Line Training online. My graduation present will be a FREE 12 Day Mediterranean Cruise! Is that not grand?
There is also the Disney Travel Agent only site and many others.
I have been ordering brochures from our back office as well. I received my order from Collette Vacations and already have 2 persons interested in 2 different vacation tours. I have been having fun just reading through them.
Two days ago I ordered Carnival Cruise brochures fromt the back office. I arrived home from work yesterday to a big box full of Carnival Cruise brochures for cruises in 2008 and 2009.
What do I plan do do with all these brochures? Use them at my Travel Parties!
We have all been to Tupperware parties. Well this is a Travel Themed party. I'm invite my friends and family over, introduce them to my travel website, and show them all the great vacations they can take.
I even have a Golf site for the wannabe Tiger Woods in the world!!!
They look through the travel brochures and start planning those family reunions, and affinity group trips, cruises, and dream vacations.
I also have a site for Brides to be! They can choose one of the great romantic honeymoon packages then have their friends and family actually pay for it on their very own HoneyMoon Registry.
The Spa packages I have are perfect for those Girlfriend Getaways. I can use a Massage right about now after the hard week at work I had!
My most favorite newest addition to my travel website is the 7 Night Resort Vacation eCertificate for $379. This is perfect for families!!
After my friends have taken a tour of my site and looked at the brochures, I ask them to book their vacations on my site if it is the same price or less than Expedia, Orbitz or Travelocity. Because these are friends or friends of friends, they are usually are willing to use my website now or in the future. And that is that! I often get a booking or 2 right at the travel party!
Recently my host agency, YTB announced plans to raise our commissions from 60% to 70% of the Vendor commissions. Now that is a way to recession proof my income for real!!
I invite you reader and friend to look into a fun way of making extra income. Dont take that second job! Just get your own home based travel business.
Contact me and I will show you how to get started. Refuse to be a part of the 6.1% unemployment statistic! I know I have!
There is a form on the right hand side of this column, fill in your information and I will get in contact with you!
Gail Walker is a Referring Travel Agent with her own online travel business, and is showing others how to be financially independant and have fun doing it!
Get more information here:
Saturday, September 20, 2008
GailTravel's Deals and Steals and Weekend Escapes
When you see the prices then you know that they are definitely steals!
Weekend Escape:
New York City, NY to Orlando, FL
From rollercoaster forest to gulf-stream waterslide, Orlando was made for you and me. Come live out your food fantasies, and indulge your sense of wonder in the theme park capital of the world.
Flight & Hotel Included
3 Nights from $214 per person
Madison, WI to Memphis, TN
In a city where guitars may outnumber people, local legend has it that Memphis is where music was born. Spend a weekend here to roll away the blues and savor the barbecue-hot spice of life.
Flight & Hotel Included
2 Nights from $265 per person
Last Minute
International Deals
Kansas City, MO to
Montego Bay, Jamaica
Flight & Hotel Included
4 Nights from $425 per person
Oct. 3 - 7, 2008
Change your departure city on the site
For local pricing
There are alot more on the website.
Get Weekly Deals and Steals sent straight to your email. Just sign up on the website!
GailTravel's Deals and Steals
Monday, September 15, 2008
Wall Street Meltdown- How can the Average American Recession Proof their Income?

The Wall Street meltdown continued as the Dow plunged 500 points today. The bad news keeps on coming. Lehman Brothers are about to file bankruptcy leaving approximately 10,000 people without a job. The largest bankruptcy in American history. Merill Lynch got a temporary reprieve by being bought out by Bank of America. But will the employeees enjoy that reprieve? AIG the biggest insurance company is about to collapse if help is not found FAST. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was bailed out last week by the Washington.
And what the experts telling us to do? Not to panic!
They suggest that we do not touch our Retirement Funds, that this situation will even itself out by next summer the latest. They are also telling us to have a Plan B or a back up plan. Where did I hear that before? Hmmmm..... See how I recession proofed my income.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Discount Travel- 7 Night Wyndham's Resort Vacation eCertificate
The vacation rentals provide the space and flexibility not available at a standard hotel. Whether guests are traveling with a spouse, with friends or with children,
these vacation rentals will suit their vacation needs. Rooms accomodate from 2-8 people.
Accommodations range in size from resort studios to multi-bedroom units.
Many units feature:
Large living rooms
Dining rooms
Fully-equipped kitchens
Laundry facilities
Many of the accommodations feature sought-after amenities that vacationers
enjoy like:
Spas and state-of-the-art workout facilities and fitness centers
Beachfront activities including windsurfing, parasailing and water-skiing
Championship golf courses
Pools, hot tubs and saunas
Here is a sample of the Destinations available. The Smoky Mountains, Colorado, Florida, Coastal North and South Carolina, Nevada, Ozark Mountains, Italy, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, the Canary Islands, Mexico and more!
This is a great opportunity for families with flexibility in vacation dates. If you ar a looking for discount travel for a family, these 7 night Resort Vacation Certificates from Wyndham's Resort Vacation eCertificates is just the solution.
Gail aka GailTravel, is a Referring Travel Agent in the Bronx New York. A wife of 28 years, and a mother of 3. She is pursuing her goal of financial freedom and helping others to do the same through her online Home Based Travel Agency while having fun at the same time. Visit Gail's site and see what the excitement is all about.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Vision, Passion, Purpose in your Life

Vision, Passion and Purpose. Three action packed words that can define one's life. Nothing can be done in life without them.
Vision:We have eyes to "see" where we are going. Likewise we have spiritual eyes to visualize our goals. Life Coach's often encourage their clients to write down their visions, or plans and post it in prominent places where it can be seen.
Habbukuk 2:2 states it.
And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
Passion-to achieve any goal we must have that drive within us to succeed no matter what obstacles that come in our life.
Purpose: What is my goal? What will be my result? What is my why?
Whether its getting an education, or building a business, or just making it in life. Vision, Passion and Purpose is needed.
Watch this incredible video, "Vision, Passion and Purpose " and turn up the volume.
If this does not inspire you to be successful with your home based business or anything else in your life, I don't know what will!
Gail aka GailTravel, is a Referring Travel Agent in the Bronx New York. A wife of 28 years, and a mother of 3 young men. She is pursuing her goal of financial freedom and helping others to do the same through her online Home Based Travel Agency.
Join Gail’s team now and see what the excitement is all about.
Get more information here:
Take a Tour of my Booking Engine
Saturday, September 6, 2008
3 Day Norwegian Cruise Line Cruise to Bahamas for $220 pp
3 day Cruise to the Bahamas for $220 pp
Courtesy of
September 19th, 2008 - Sept 21, 2008.
Don't miss this great sailing on Norwegian's Sky sailing from Miami, Florida.
This three day cruise to the Bahamas is ONLY $220.79 per person!
The deadline to book this cruise is Thursday, September 11, 2008
Contact me immediately if you are interested.
Cabins are going fast!
Monday, September 1, 2008
The Authors of "The ABCs of Making Money" Recomendation for an Online Travel Business

I was introduced to "The ABC Guys" Dr. Denis Cauvier and Alan Lysaght at the 2008 National Convention in St. Louis Missouri for the homebased travel biz. In their book named "The ABCs of Making Money" Their philosophy is based on the premise that for a financial overhaul there needs to be an
Attitude change towards making money, There needs to be a
Behavior change toward making money
Creativity in managing and generating money.
I purchased this book at the convention and I must say it was worth every penny.
The exercises that are in the book really makes you stop and take a look at your attitude toward money and make an assessment at where you are financially.
One of the exercises was the "Financial Freedom Snapshot" that forces the reader to take a real look at their financial situation. This is so needed in this time of mortgage foreclosures, and lay-offs and high gas prices.
After you go through the first 2 sections of the book of assessing your finances and getting on task with your budget, there is a section called the "Money-Making Business Opportuities" The ABC guys have developed a The ABCs 15 Power Points of an Ideal Business.
Ideally your business should …
1-sell to the masses
2-fulfill a fundamental need for many people
3-be low risk
4-provide the opportunity for ongoing residua;ll income
5-require a low staff component
6-have a stable, growing, long-term demand
7-have low overhead costs
8-have low start-up costs
9-have a unique quality, making it difficult for competitors to copy
10-have positive cash flow and low inventory
11-have high profit margins and rats of return
12-have minimal government regulation
13-be portable
14-be fun, challenging and satisfying for the business owner
15-provide an opportunity to uncover other money making opportunities.”
Now in the past Only one company had measured up on their 15 points of requirements for an ideal business. However in the Revised and Updated version of the book on page 195, there is this quote:
"We are now able to recommend a second and, and in our opinion, even better opportunity...... YTB is a solidly based , eight year old company that is centered o serving the customer and their sales force."
What an endorsement! All I know is that makes me feel even better about this fantastic home based travel business that I am the proud owner of.
A product that everyone can use. A fantastic website- that is scheduled for enhanced updates in the next few months.
I am learning alot from this book. I recommend it to everyone to read. "The ABCs of Making Money" and also "The ABCs of Making Money 4 Teens". Its a great idea to get our teenagers started on the right path to financial freedom before they develop the bad habits many of us have. The ABC Guys have certainly hit a home run!
Gail aka GailTravel, is a Referring Travel Agent in the Bronx New York. A wife of 28 years, and a mother of 3 young men. She is pursuing her goal of financial freedom and helping others to do the same through her online Home Based Travel Agency.
Join Gail’s team now and see what the excitement is all about.
Take a Tour of my Booking Engine
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The ABC Guys Recommends Only One Online Travel Company

I was introduced to "The ABC Guys" Dr. Denis Cauvier and Alan Lysaght at the 2008 National Convention in St. Louis Missouri for the homebased travel biz. In their book named "The ABCs of Making Money" Their philosophy is based on the premise that for a financial overhaul there needs to be an
Attitude change towards making money, There needs to be a
Behavior change toward making money
Creativity in managing and generating money.
I purchased this book at the convention and I must say it was worth every penny.
The exercises that are in the book really makes you stop and take a look at your attitude toward money and make an assessment at where you are financially.
One of the exercises was the "Financial Freedom Snapshot" that forces the reader to take a real look at their financial situation. This is so needed in this time of mortgage foreclosures, and lay-offs and high gas prices.
After you go through the first 2 sections of the book of assessing your finances and getting on task with your budget, there is a section called the "Money-Making Business Opportuities" The ABC guys have developed a The ABCs 15 Power Points of an Ideal Business.
Ideally your business should …
1-sell to the masses
2-fulfill a fundamental need for many people
3-be low risk
4-provide the opportunity for ongoing residua;ll income
5-require a low staff component
6-have a stable, growing, long-term demand
7-have low overhead costs
8-have low start-up costs
9-have a unique quality, making it difficult for competitors to copy
10-have positive cash flow and low inventory
11-have high profit margins and rats of return
12-have minimal government regulation
13-be portable
14-be fun, challenging and satisfying for the business owner
15-provide an opportunity to uncover other money making opportunities.”
Now in the past Only one company had measured up on their 15 points of requirements for an ideal business. However in the Revised and Updated version of the book on page 195, there is this quote:
"We are now able to recommend a second and, and in our opinion, even better opportunity...... YTB is a solidly based , eight year old company that is centered o serving the customer and their sales force."
What an endorsement! All I know is that makes me feel even better about this fantastic home based travel business that I am the proud owner of.
A product that everyone can use. A fantastic website- that is scheduled for enhanced updates in the next few months.
I am learning alot from this book. I recommend it to everyone to read. "The ABCs of Making Money" and also "The ABCs of Making Money 4 Teens". Its a great idea to get our teenagers started on the right path to financial freedom before they develop the bad habits many of us have. The ABC Guys have certainly hit a home run!
Friday, August 29, 2008
John McCain and Sarah Palin the Master Network Marketers!

John McCain and Sarah Palin made a Master Network Marketing move. I always heard in training calls that we should find our niche market and target them. Well John McCain did just that. Democrats are celebrating Barack Obama’s historic acceptance speech for the Democratic nomination for the president of the United States on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I have a Dream" Speech”. McCain Knew he had to come up with a master plan to steal some of Obama’s thunder. After all everyone will be talking about Obama's speech and historic nomination the next day. McCain knew there would be some women who were waiting for Hillary’s night in the spotlight for the past 4 years ( trust me, I know what I am talking about, I’m from NY!).
So what does McCain do? He thinks out the box, went against conventional thinking. He bypassed all the "expected" candidates and went for the woman!
Then, McCain makes the move of all time! He fills up the empty void with his choice of Sarah Palin, hoping to lure the diehard disappointed Hillary supporters to his team. A virtual unknown. That was the move of all time! Now whether it will work is another story. McCain made a classic network marketing move. He found people with a need and he provided the solution.
McCain also filled another niche. Obama is talking about change. That is the theme of his campaign. Lets get away from the old way of doing things. The Democratic ticket is definitely a ticket of change. So McCain could not have the same old "good ole boy" political ticket of the past. So by picking a woman he is appealing to the younger Republicans who can say yes, the Republicans are also changing. So essentiall in November the new leadership in our country will be a first! Either the first Black president, or the first female Vice President.
Here is the connection with network marketing, or any home based business. You have to find people with a need, then you need to provide the solution or answer for that need. You also have to find a niche to market to. That is what John McCain did. With my Home based travel biz, I find people who have a need to make an extra income and I let them see a way they can do it that is fun and nearly hassle free.
I try to connect with niche markets, such as the bridal industry, because I have a Bridal and Honeymoon registry and my Honeymoon site .
I live not far from a Golf Course, so marketing Golf vacations at my to all those weekend golfers is perfect!
Its no different than what McCain just did! Network marketing is all around us, even in ways we don’t know!
Remember to register to vote! Remember to follow your dreams! Remember to NetWORK Market your business and your life!
Gail aka GailTravel, is a Referring Travel Agent in the Bronx New York. A wife of 28 years, and a mother of 3 young men. She is pursuing her goal of financial freedom and helping others to do the same through her online Home Based Travel Agency. Join Gail’s team now and see what the excitement is all about.
Book your vacation on
Friday, August 22, 2008
California Attorney General says My Travel Biz Grew Too Big, Too Quick, Too Fast?

Too big, Too Fast Too Quick.
That’s what the California Attorney General lawsuit is saying about our online travel Biz. We grew too big, too fast. Well if you think about it, if we are the 26th largest travel company in the U.S. as Travel Weekly indicates I guess it would scare some people. But what are they really scared of?
Average people like you and I finally getting ahead by owning our own businesses instead of slaving away at a second job or a part time job?
Every day hard working people like us utilizing the tax deductions that big time business owners enjoy? Lower income and Middle class people like us becoming financially independent, finally realizing our dreams?
I enjoy helping my friends and family book their vacations. I have had my best friend and her husband book their dream vacation to Belize last fall. Subsequently, others booked their Disney trips , cruises and family vacations. I even booked the senior trip for my son’s Senior class this year! What’s even more exciting is when I go to my back office and see that total strangers have booked their trips on my site. How exciting is that?
There are 2 ways to make money on Gail’s Vacation, Travel and Cruises.
1- I have my friends, family and acquaintances book their travel on instead of Expedia and Orbitz. I enjoy 60% of the vendor commission.
2- I really can do my part of stimulating the economy my showing others how to have their own online home based travel business, and boosting their income.
One thing I learned was that I could not earn by being a secret agent. I had to get out there and get my name known. So I made flyers and business cards and gave them out. I sent samples of vacations to my friends. I was so surprised how easy it was when people saw that I was offering them a chance to book vacations! Not asking them to do anything else. Some that have an entrepreneurial spirit wanted to know how they could have a Travel website like mine, and I told them!
This year I was able to attend the 2008 National Convention. I used my earnings from my travel Biz to pay the expenses. What an honor it was to be around all of that electric excitement. I can’t tell you how exhilarating it was when our new marketing site was introduced.
I had the option of keeping the original site which was very nice or upgrading to the enhanced marketing site I have. It has a Capture form where my visitors can input their name and email for more information. There is also a media center where the company presentation can be seen.
I am looking forward to seeing our new booking engine which is scheduled for release in the next couple of months. Our new enhanced booking engine will include traveler profiles, cross-vendor search results, consolidated itineraries and new suppliers, destinations and products. We will a also have powerful new sales tools like group bookings for all types of travel
and private branding options for commercial accounts.
My focus for my second year is training, training and more training. I want to learn more about travel so I enrolled in Travel Agents university. I am also working toward my cruise counselor accreditation through CLIA. I started last year by taking the test to get my 2008 CLIA card. I am very proud of that accomplishment.
My intentions are to work and not be a secret agent. I’m not expecting buckets full of money to magically drop in my lap. I figure I would have had to take on a second job to supplement my income and drag my self home tired to the bone, only to wake up 6 hours later and do it again. But I found a way to work at my own business, at my own pace and my make my own money and feel good about myself.
I made the right decision to become involved in this home based travel biz a year ago. I don’t regret it not one minute!
Look out world here I come!!
Gail aka GailTravel, is a Referring Travel Agent in the Bronx New York. A wife of 28 years, and a mother of 3 young men. She is pursuing her goal of financial freedom and helping others to do the same through her online Home Based Travel Agency. Join Gail’s team now and see what the excitement is all about.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Back Home from the 2008 Travel Biz Convention
Saturday mroning was Women's Day. We heard testimonies from many of the women who had successes. Like Andria Hall who worked her business while being treated for breast cancer. She bravely came on the stage, sans the wig she had been previously wearing, thus revealing to the world her diagnosis. Before only close family and friends knew of her plight.
What a pillar of strength she is! Is proof that if she can do it anyone can do it.
At the airport I ran into a young lady who is a single parent and in theis country alone. She actually worked her way to t he convention. She goes to school and literally lives off of what she makes in her travel business. How encouraging is that? I watched how she worked as we sat there waitng for news of our next fight out of St. Louis. She started casual conversations and somehow slipped in the info of the travel business. She was so smooth. But you know, necessity will do that for you. This lady has to make money to survive. She has that fire!
Until next time I will share more!